Our services

As an experienced and certified translation service provider, we translate your texts from a wide range of sectors. Here is a more detailed description of our fields of expertise.

Since two heads are better than one, your texts are not only translated by a native speaker, but also checked by a second person. During the translation process, we will stay in touch with you. In the event of ambiguities in the text, we don’t guess. Rather, we clarify what is meant so that the translation is true to the original text.

Course of a translation project

Our services at a glance

Technology and IT

We have more than 20 years of experience in the field of technical translations. Regardless of whether you need the translation of an instruction manual, technical documentation, graphical user interface or another document, we make sure that you are understood around the world.

Marketing and advertising

For marketing translations, you need to convey more than just words. We don’t just want your customer to be able to read what it says in the text, we want him to be able to read between the lines.

Tourism and travelling

We don’t just help your potential customer to understand the text, we help him visualize how extraordinary and unique your hotel, region or leisure activity is.

Business and finance

We have a lot of experience when it comes to translating financial reports or balance sheets. We work accurately and take great care to use consistent terminology.

Other fields of expertise

In addition to our main focus in the areas of technology and IT, we also translate in a variety of other sectors (e.g. pet food, cosmetics etc.). Request an offer!

Private customers

In addition to translations for companies, we also offer translations for private customers. Prices depend on the language combination and the number of lines in the document. Find out more about our translation services.